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SaaS Startup Solutions for Every Niche

SaaS Startup

Source: Lic#158415286 ID#109613038

Are you looking for SaaS startup solutions for your business? It seems that Software as a Service is becoming the go-to for budding entrepreneurs across all industries and niches. Every day, new companies emerge, boasting a lean, agile business model built on delivering scalable services for every purpose. However, there are many commonalities across SaaS startups giving new companies a competitive edge right out the gate. Similarly, one of these common elements is virtual phone numbers offered by service providers like United World Telecom.

Solutions for a Multitude of Businesses

It’s important to remember that SaaS is a very broad term that encompasses nearly every conceivable niche. Therefore, in this article, we will take a look at how United World Telecom can enhance your startup’s efforts with:

  • Virtual Offices/Locations
  • Social Media-Based Sales Conversions
  • Providing Customer Support

Virtual Offices/Locations for a SaaS Startup Business

One of the advantages of SaaS businesses is that they are predominantly operated over the Internet to deliver their services, as well as offer customer support. This is where virtual phone numbers bridge the digital divide, offering a humanizing element that doesn’t necessarily need face-to-face communication. Instead of using traditional methods of expansion via branch offices, “virtual offices” and “virtual locations” manage this for SaaS startups. Customers can reach your company by way of virtual phone numbers, which reroute calls instantly anywhere around the world. Consequently, with this functionality, you can customize your virtual office/location to fit your startup’s unique niche and business model.

SaaS Startup
Source: Lic#158415490 ID#6702124

Using the Right Software

Similarly, online collaboration tools like Teamwork, Slack, and Trello have made it easier to execute tasks in remote locations for you SaaS business as needed. For instance, you can hire a subcontractor to provide in-house services to implement your software. So, at the same time, they can act as an agent of your startup. This is perfect for companies that regularly outsource this type of labor or those with agents scattered across the globe. Keeping in touch by phone ensures that everyone can manage and perform the details of each project with constant communication.

Social Media-Based Sales Conversions

Social media is a part of every business type imaginable. And Saas-based startups are using social media more and more to demonstrate how their software can revolutionize their customer’s lives. By including media on platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter, you appeal to a wide base of interested customers that can jumpstart your SaaS startup in no time.

Of course, you need to convert these potential leads into actual customers. Virtual phone numbers fulfill this role perfectly, particularly with United World Telecom’s add-on known as “CallMe Click.” As the name implies, when a user clicks on a link for phone number or contact info, a call is instantly initiated to your virtual phone number. This instant connection helps move things along quickly, taking advantage of the moment customers demonstrate interest. After all, in the distraction-heavy world of social media, creating an instantaneous connection to your SaaS company is ideal.

Providing Customer Support for your SaaS Startup

While running a startup often requires juggling many day-to-day tasks, its very easy to lose track of keeping the human element in your SaaS startup. This is why it’s important to have virtual phone numbers for each target market you’re looking to connect with. Building long-term relationships with customers is essential to the longevity of your company. No wants a business treating them as just another number.

For example, by using nationwide toll free numbers, your SaaS startup can circumvent problems with intra-regional and international calls. These problems typically manifest as:

  • Long-distance fees,
  • Service blockages,
  • Or simply the preferences of your customer base to deal with a startup that they perceive as a domestic entity.

Virtual Numbers for Your SaaS Business

Luckily, United World Telecom offers countless phone numbers to add to your arsenal. With an inventory of over 140+ countries and countless cities/regions, you can accommodate your customers’ needs impeccably. This, in turn, leads to more sales conversions for your SaaS startup – no matter which industry you specialize in.

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