What is Outbound Calling?
You can easily make outgoing calls from any number you purchase with us, and have those numbers appear on the caller ID. Outbound calling is a premium feature that can be when making a purchase on our website, or via your control panel.
Calls that come from our service are indistinguishable from any other phone calls, giving a sense of authenticity and credibility. This allows calls to be made without long distance fees or dialing a foreign country code. A “Softphone” such as Zopier can be paired with our numbers giving you the ability to make outgoing calls from your wireless device as well.
Tips for Outbound Calling
An outbound call is one which is made from a company’s call center, office, or even a cell phone to a prospective customer. Typically, outbound calls include sales, telemarketing calls, calls for surveys, verification services, or for updating contact lists.
There’s a certain art to outbound calling, and if you haven’t learned it yet, then you need to brush up on the important factors that determine the success of your efforts. If you’re ramping up to an outbound campaign, follow these tips to guide your strategy before you get on the phone.
Create Call Lists
Don’t even think about wasting your time with blind cold outbound calling. The odds are against you in every way. Compose your call lists using qualified leads; this gives your agents a much higher chance of success. Your team’s marketing efforts have already trimmed the fat from your leads and left you with the ones with the most potential. Moreover, your agents have detailed information about these leads, such as name, location, industry, and needs. This data helps them connect more readily with prospects and helps them gently lead the way to a sale.
Make the Calls Engaging
Your agents will not be able to guide the prospects to a sale if they cannot engage them. This does not mean following a rigid script. Clients are smart, and they can easily tell if an agent is following a line of sales patter. The first thing your agents must do is grab the prospect’s attention. They should call them by their first name and show that they are interested in them. Agents should always make prospects feel valued, without coming across as sounding false. The call should not take too long. Agents should show that they value prospects’ time. It’s always a good idea to ask how much time they have before the pitch commences.
Schedule a Follow-Up Call
Once your agent has grasped the prospect’s interest, he or she should set up a follow-up call while the client is still on the phone. This way, the call will finish on a good note and the agent will feel that he or she has accomplished something. Your company will also come across as professional and efficient.
It’s Not Over Yet
A successful outbound calling strategy does not end with the call. There is still much to be done to improve this and future campaigns. Your agents should learn from successful campaigns and decipher how to improve on the ones which failed. You must keep communication open between you and your agents so that you are providing a continuous feedback loop. The best way to maintain this is through continuous call monitoring and regular agent training. This lets you assess your agents’ performance and to put the information gained from monitoring into practice. You have the opportunity to recognize and point out common errors and suggest ways to correct them.