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8 Proven Ways to Get B2B Customers in 2024

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Looking for refreshing ways to get B2B customers in 2024? Here we detail 8 ways and methods you can use to increase brand awareness and gain new customers.

Want to Know How to Get B2B Customers in 2024? Try These Tips!

In 2024, getting new business leads during a pandemic may seem like a challenge. However, don’t let that discourage you. Continue to make the right business moves and you will be able to acquire solid leads that will result in reliable relations. Try these 8 ways to get B2B customers:

Get B2B Customers with Marketing

Marketing continues to be an important avenue for gaining B2B clients. The more clients learn or hear about your products and services, the more likely they are to do business with you. After all, no one wants to do business with or invest in an unheard-of brand. So, what are some marketing tools you can use?

1. Customer pools and networks
One way to gain new clients and contacts is to build reliable networks with businesses similar to yours. Business networking refers to creating valuable relationships with business contacts and prospects. This can be done through small business exhibitions, networking sites such as LinkedIn, conferences, and so on.

2. Referrals
Once you’ve entered the relevant business networks, the next step is to use business referrals from someone within the network to recommend and/or review your service. Referrals happen organically in conversation or are a result of specific marketing strategies. The most effective way to get referrals is to identify important business influencers, build strong relationships, and request a referral. Another interesting way of generating referral traffic is through Q&A and educational websites that seek to educate and assist users while recommending your services.

3. Search engine optimization (SEO)
SEO has grown increasingly important in this day and age. Search engine optimization refers to optimizing your website to help it rank better in search engine results for relevant keywords. The higher your website ranks, the more visibility and credibility it acquires. Common SEO strategies include:

  • Keyword optimization
  • Writing quality and informative content
  • Writing original content
  • Building relevant links
  • Entering your company in online business directories such as Google My Business, LinkedIn, Bing, etc.

4. Email marketing
Another common digital marketing tool, email marketing, has been used for years and continues to prove effective. Based on your market research and network connections, you can send out customized emails informing clients of your products and services and offering “limited-time-only” discounts that encourage them to take action. Personalized emails — that is content that is relevant to the recipient — are 75% more likely to be opened.

5. Social media advertising
Social media marketing is another essential and successful digital marketing tool. Social media allows for a more specific and targeted approach. It is a live platform where your company can engage actively with customers. You can use your social media platforms not only for advertising but for educating potential clients of your products/services, discounts, customer reviews, etc.

Social media advertising includes placing targeted ads based on demographics such as location, gender, and interests. This can easily be done on common platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. As most individuals are on at least one of the three platforms a few times per day, this is a successful way of targeting your ideal clientele.

6. Paid advertising
Lastly, paid advertising such as using Google Ads is a good way to get on target customers’ radar. You can create ads by including relevant keywords and your ideal customer profile. Customers looking for keywords or services similar to yours will come across your Google ad. Good and relevant ad copy can help you acquire customers that come under your ideal audience.

Another online advertising tool is pay-per-call marketing. This mobile-friendly type of ad allows you to include a call now button on your website. This way mobile users that come across your ad while searching for similar services can click the call button and instantly place a call to your business.

Get B2B Customers Through Sales

The next method of gaining new B2B customers is through sales tactics. Sales include inbound and outbound calls where your business interacts directly with prospects and attempts to sell successfully.

7. Inbound sales
Inbound sales are sales made to prospects that have already interacted with your business or made a purchase. This includes upselling or cross-selling to existing customers. Or, reaching out to prospects who demonstrated interest in your service via contact forms, query emails, or phone calls. Here are some inbound sales tactics to get B2B customers:

  • Inside sales
  • Upselling and cross-selling to existing customers
  • Contact forms
  • Lead follow-ups

8. Outbound calling
Outbound calling refers to a business connecting with potential prospects, informing them of the brand and its products, and making a sales pitch. This includes cold and warm calling to a predetermined list of potential customers developed through extensive market research. Or, reaching out to past customers that canceled or abandoned their interest. Some outbound calling strategies include:

  1. Cold-calling and prospecting
  2. Warm-calling
  3. Follow-up with past leads that did not convert
  4. Connecting with customers that canceled their service
  5. Reaching out to abandoned carts
  6. Cold targets that fit the ideal customer profile (ICP)

Related: 5 Tips for Improving Your Outbound Calling Strategy

Start Acquiring New B2B Clients!

While all of these tools and methods may not seem relevant to your specific business, try the ones that do and stick with them. Results are not instantaneous which is why you should give at least 6-8 months to see new changes and find tactics that work best for your business. And before you know it, you will have new B2B contacts and clients!

How to Manage an Effective Sales Team

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Growing a sales-based business is not an easy task. It may be the single most difficult challenge a business owner can face. The success of any business depends on implementing the right strategies concerning brand development, marketing, sales, and customer service. Success doesn’t come instantly, but if one builds a solid foundation for the brand and is then able to manage an effective sales team, the sky is the limit.

Business Management Basics

Having a true passion for the business you are managing is extremely important for your success in your position. It is also important for the success of the company. There is a need for strong skills in the areas of business planning, strategy, finance, and marketing. There is also a need for communication skills, leadership skills, and a strong understanding of motivating and rewarding employees. A clear strategic vision for the company is a necessity. So is the ability to make informed management decisions based on research and analysis of the market, competitors, and other external and internal forces. Understanding the impact these aspects have on your business is critical.

What Makes an Effective Sales Team?

  • A strong, centralized sales culture and environment, established by the manager and carried forward by those on the sales team
  • Natural energy/ synergy between members
  • Meaningful relationship building with clients/customers
  • Great time management skills
  • Ongoing learning
  • Accountability
  • Communication and collaboration
  • Structured goals
  • Celebration of successes

Tips for Managing an Effective Sales Team

  • Recruit the best people for the job
  • Know how to sell
  • Provide consistent coaching
  • Inspire your team to succeed
  • Set the pace for the sales team
  • Clearly define a process
  • Measure the team’s performance
  • Manage the forward pipeline
  • Communicate effectively with your sales team
  • Protect the time of those on your team
  • Celebrate team successes

Sales Team Tools

Advances in technology, artificial intelligence, data analytics, and process automation have changed the landscape for sales teams over the last few years. With that in mind, some sales tools can help to improve a team’s overall performance, automate normally time-consuming tasks, and support significant transformations in the sales process. The tools are generally focused on the following:

  • Communications and conferencing tools
  • Content sharing and content management
  • Analytics
  • Account-based sales and marketing
  • Customer relationship management (CRM) systems
  • Email management
  • Performance management
  • Sales engagement
  • Sales and market intel
  • Lead generation
  • Productivity
  • Contract management
Manage Effective Sales Team
Source: – O#211240456 #27446420

Measuring Successes

The quality of any sales team strategy is only as good as its execution, and sales metrics are the guideposts. The best sales team managers know how to manage an effective sales team from beginning to close of the sale. They focus on a clear set of metrics and key performance indicators along the way. This information is then used to increase the effectiveness of decisions moving forward.

Growing a Sales-Based Business

It takes a lot to be successful in sales. You need to know your customer well and you need to be resilient when it comes to dealing with rejection. You need to know when to talk and when to listen. You also need to know when to lean on technology. This will help improve your processes, help you close a higher number of deals, and shift the time normally spent on those tasks to other things.

The potential benefit of the many tools on the market today is exciting. If you really want to tap into how to manage an effective sales team, make use of the best tools out there. Contact United World Telecom today to learn more. This can help you can spend less time researching and doing tedious things and more time selling and managing your sales team.