Why You Should Get an Italy Toll-Free Number
Companies can use these numbers to appeal to customers based in Italy. Italy boasts many large companies with market values in the billions, but it is also home to many small businesses. Your business can use our services to have a virtual presence throughout Italy.
Advantages of Italy Phone Numbers
Your business will benefit from superior call quality and a suite of advanced features to establish a professional image. Italy virtual phone numbers have proven to be an inexpensive way to drive customers to your business and boost sales.
Our customer service team is available to meet the unique needs of your enterprise. Please contact our company for a consultation and to sign up for a free trial. Our dedicated support team can walk you through the process of setting up your own Italy 800 number.
Meeting your Customers’ Expectations
Typically, most customers have a certain level of expectation when it comes to customer service. For example, they take politeness and customer courtesy for granted as a natural part of the interaction they will have with your staff. Market research shows that they also want their customer service assistance to be very effective and efficient. For the moment you or your team members answer the phone, customer service begins right there.
Maintaining an Appropriate Tone of Voice
Remember, your first few words will set the tone of the conversation, and also the caller’s mood. Answering calls from your Italy toll-free numbers with an energetic and sincere greeting will immediately make the caller feel welcome and have confidence in your service. Once the caller has been greeted, it’s important that the customer service agent asks for information and also verifies the customer’s needs or concerns.
Agents should always make these requests in a professional manner which indicates they are ready to help.

Utilizing Appropriate Resources
When your customer service agent is receiving calls from Italy toll-free numbers, he or she will need to have a computer on hand to complete the customer service inquiry and delivery of information. Even if your agents are working remotely, they should always have access to the appropriate technology. Headsets can be a boon, even if agents are taking calls from Italy toll-free numbers on a mobile phone because they leave their hands free to type in customer data.
Keeping your Agents On Point
Your agents will only be able to provide top-notch customer service if they are well-trained and know your company inside out. They must have full and up-to-date knowledge of all your products and procedures.
Customers appreciate customer service agents who are knowledgeable and competent. Your agents should take the time to educate themselves on any new products, procedures, and services you have to offer, so that they, in turn, can educate the customers about these.
Your agents should always give the customers full disclosure when they are making any changes to their accounts. Agents should also give confirmation numbers when making changes to accounts or orders. Sometimes agents will find that an error has been made on the company’s part. In this situation, the problem or error should be explained immediately, and the customer should receive an explanation and an apology to avoid frustration.
Staying Positive
Sometimes, customers may call your Italy toll-free numbers because they have a problem or a complaint. Even if your agent is unable to meet the customer’s demands, he or she should remain positive at all times and offer the customer alternatives when necessary. This will prevent your clients from feeling that they have been taken advantage of, or treated unfairly. Agents should avoid using negative terms such as “won’t” or “can’t” and instead use “will do” and “can.”
Maintaining Accuracy
Your agents should provide customers with accurate information at all times. When answering calls from Italy toll-free numbers, if agents do not know the answer to a particular question or they do not have the required information ready at hand, they should take extra steps to find it. Disgruntled customers are much more willing to accept delayed deliveries or other undesirable situations if they know they are being given an honest explanation and accurate information. It allows them to make plans and decisions and feel as though they are in control of the situation.
Keeping an Eye on Performance
Most businesses establish a quality-control program so that they can make sure that customer service quality assurance standards are being met. Performance programs are in place to ensure that calls are handled professionally and efficiently. You can record all the calls made to your Italy toll-free numbers, which provides a great way for you to monitor them and assess patterns of performance. You can use the call recording feature to train staff and help them to strengthen any areas of weakness.
Contact our team at United World Telecom today to find out more about how we can help you increase your customer service reach with Italy toll-free numbers. We are looking forward to helping you expand your business overseas.