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Sequential Forwarding

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What is Sequential Forwarding?

Sequential forwarding is a valuable call management feature offered by United World Telecom. With sequential forwarding, businesses can register ring-to phone numbers and directs incoming calls to those numbers in a sequence according to the pre-determined list.

What Sequential Forwarding Does

The sequential forwarding feature enables you to register up to 4 back-up ring-to phone numbers in the order in which the calls will be answered. The incoming calls will be directed to those numbers in a sequence order if your main number is busy on another call. While sequential forwarding searches for an attendant to answer the phone, the caller is provided with a greeting and placed in a queue as long as the service is searching. It loops several times until the ringing process ends. When the first number is not answered, the call is directed to the second number in the sequence and so forth. In case all numbers in the process are not attended, the call is forwarded to voicemail, where callers can leave a message.

For example: If you have a large business with branches in different parts of the world, this service can help you cater to clients scattered in different time zones and handle a huge influx of calls easily.

However, if you are a one-person army running your business on your own, then this service can help you expand your customer base in no time. With sequential forwarding, you can add multiple phone numbers such as your office number, residential number, and your mobile number in the sequence. So, if you are unavailable in your office, the call can be directed to your mobile number, and you can answer your potential client without missing the call.

The sequence forwarding feature not only enables you to configure the system to call your selected numbers in your pre-determined/sequential order, but it also gives you the control to define the number of times a phone rings before calls are forwarded to another number.

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Benefits of the Sequential Forwarding Feature

  1. Break-free From Geographical Boundaries
    This system is useful for call centers and sales departments located in different geographical areas. Since calls are diverted to different numbers, you can easily avoid missing important sales calls and cater to the maximum number of clients.
  2. Minimize the Ratio of Unanswered Calls
    For businesses, calls are a mode of getting more business. And no one wants to miss these business growth opportunities. Unanswered or busy business lines frustrate customers, and they then tend to opt for your competitor. This is definitely something you don’t want.

Minimize Missed Calls

The sequential forwarding service allows you to leave no calls unattended and minimize the ratio of unanswered calls. The calls are forwarded to different numbers in a predetermined order to be received and not missed even if the main number is busy.

For example: If you are talking to a client on your office number and another client calls. Normally the caller hears the busy dial tone, but with sequence forwarding, service is quite different. The caller is directed to another number pre-determined by you, your team-mates, an off-shore customer support service, and so on, ensuring that no call is missed.

Improve Call Management with Sequential Forwarding

You can get Sequential Forwarding with any of United World Telecom’s virtual phone number plans. Enable or disable sequential forwarding through the online Control Panel that you can access from any location. Improve call management and caller experience with Sequential Forwarding.

Service Features

An advanced suite of included and premium features to reliably power your business communication.

CRM Integrations

IVR/Auto Attendant

Call Recording

Virtual Voicemail

Call Flow Designer

Call Transcription

Time-of-Day Routing

Geographic Routing

Simultaneous Ringing

Sequential Routing

GCF Softphone

Outbound Calling

Outbound Caller ID

Number Masking

Failover Routing

Custom Reports

Call Blocking

Local Ringback Tones

Fax to Email

Rollover Minutes

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